Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Overindulgence (Almost) Controlled

Reading this article got me to thinking about all the customary consumption of food and drink that surrounds the holiday season and I'm wondering how I'll cope with the temptation. I've already had a few incidents. The first involved Grand Marnier on the evening before Thanksgiving. Listen, it's not my fault most bartenders don't know how to properly pour into a sniffer, and I'll admit there was a time I would relish at the sight of one being filled halfway, but this time, no. I had earlier found a wonderful bottle of what I can best describe as Gingersnap liqueur made by the fine folks down at Art in the Age in Philly. Because of issues with soda I just drank it over ice with a little water mixed in. After having enjoyed my fair share, perhaps a little more, of the Snap, there was really no reason to stop for a nightcap of cognac. But I did anyway.

I've only overdone it with alcohol once since my surgery and it was lesson enough for a while, I would have thought anyway. When I was in Wisconsin at my sister's house she decided to have a bourbon tasting. Now tastings can be somewhat civilized events using only small amounts of each kind. Even the word "tasting" conjures an image of spittoons lying around because one isn't supposed to actually ingest the concoction being tasted. Uh, okay. Now I'm not such a big fan of bourbon, in fact I hate it. But that night back in Milwaukee I had discovered American Honey which is Wild Turkey mixed with honey. This I liked. Apparently a lot, as I woke up the next morning in a daze, the only thought in my head that I had to be at O'Hare to get through security by about 1:30pm.

After having that one too many last Wednesday it's needless to say I was useless on Thanksgiving. I cut some Brussels sprouts in half and maybe some carrots or something but that was it. I did manage to hurt myself later, this time with the cranberries. My sister made this cranberry, pear and ginger sauce that was so tasty and delicious. You can't even call it sauce really because it's chunks of the fruits and fresh ginger. I can't fathom eating that gelatinous mould that comes out of a can. Gross. The only problem is that the sugar content was kind of high, so by eating too much I set myself up for some fairly Ill feelings after our meal.

This overexposure to things of which I can only partake of in minuscule doses actually started around Halloween. The kids got more candy than usual after hitting extra houses in the neighborhood next to the one we usually go to. In addition, I had bought a bunch of candy the week before, even though we have never gotten trick or treaters at our house, even the years one of us is home. The Reece's Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kats went quickly and the plain Hershey Bars slowly faded from the bowl. Now I'm stuck with a bunch of Whoppers because no one in the family aside from myself likes them and I'm unable to eat seventeen of them in one sitting So there it sits; a green plastic bowl adorned with an orange stripe and black pumpkins filled with little packets of Whoppers is cluttering my table currently festooned with a green tablecloth, red place mats and a Santa Claus tray. A big bowl of candy I can't tear into is my own personal Nightmare before Christmas!

These are all lessons learned I hope. Saturday was an informal general all class reunion for my high school. I ate leftovers before going out and made sure not to overdo the cranberries which was difficult because they are so darned good! I managed to have a second glass of wine at the reunion even though it took over an hour to drink the first one. And since it was a casual event without prepaid dinners or buffet, I did not feel compelled to eat, so just ate a little snack back at my mom's before going home.

I suppose it's easier to not give in to tempting treats when I know they'll make me sick. It makes me not want to bake any of them though, and I know my kids will be upset if they miss out on any of my traditional Christmas cookies. I'll just have to pick up some new traditions that aren't so heavily centered around Sugar! I'm accustomed to taste testing at least a few cookies for each type when I'm baking, you know, for quality control. Maybe I'll let the elves do it for me from now on.

I know everyone else has trouble with extra calories and expanding waistlines this time of year. (I used to be one of them). So I'm sure I'll get no sympathy from anyone in my daily struggle to take in adequate calories and nutrition just to maintain. December is upon us, Happy Hanukkha (early this year!) and Merry Christmas (though I hope to post before then).

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