Monday, July 19, 2010

My Hero, The Surgeon, Returns to Save the Day

After five days of the worst physical discomfort I could imagine and then about 36 hours of banging my head against the wall with near useless protestations, my doctor returned and started to set everything straight. When she came in on Thursday afternoon to pull out my NG tube, she informed me she had to leave town for the weekend due to a family medical emergency I didn't think much of it at the time. But the weekend went very poorly for me.
Dr. C. Swooped in at about noon yesterday with an array of questions:
"Why are you still on a feeding tube?"
"Why are you still on a liquid diet?"
"Why are you still in this room?"
Jeez, all the same questions I had been having for days.

She immediately switched me to a regular diet and ordered my transfer off of the Surgical ICU.
The feeding tube continues to be a struggle.

Now, I believe in teaching hospitals and they play an important role in the instruction of the next generation of medical whiz kids. I have a Surgical "team" of med students, Interns and Residents, who as part of their education and training are discussing my case and trying to figure out how to proceed with my treatment and recovery. I am the third member of my family to have this surgery at this hospital. I would think they might have a few things figured out by now. Can't they put an extra "addendum" to their text books regarding TG for HDGC.

At about 4pm yesterday my feeding tube, (the one I don't need or want, the one my surgeon told me I probably don't need) got
clogged. Various methods were used to try to dislodge the obstruction to no avail. I was finally moved to my new room #1312! (Hey, there were a bunch of cool chicks living at that number on Rodman Street about 20 years ago weren't there?!)
The new nurse there tried to unclog it. A Resident there tried to unclog it. I repeadedly told everyone involved, FROM THE MOMEMNT IT CLOGGED, that I'd rather have it just taken out. They seem determined to get this fixed through.


  1. Did they try coke, not the kind you snort

  2. Yep and ginger ale and a mixture of coke, oj and cran. I suggested plain old club soda as it always worked for stuff at the bar. They used these special pancreatic enzymes that "always work" - not.

  3. You make it sound like an episode of House there. Is your Doctor a misanthrope with an odd gait? I went to 1312 Rodman Street and it was for sale. No cool chicks in residence. Hope they resolve the feeding tube soon, mostly for their sakes...
